Our Frequently Asked Questions page is always being updated with more questions and answers, please continue to check back for more advice from a pro!
CONTACT US NOW if you have any urgent questions or concerns regarding planning your new system, or maintaining and or repairing your existing system.

How long does a typical install take?

A normal house takes 2-3 days depending on the amount of tree roots and amount of zones we are installing

What are the benefits of an automatic sprinkler system?

Sprinkler systems are an easy and cost-effective way to beautify your landscape. They increase your home’s valve while also saving you time. You never have to worry about watering turf or flowerbeds again.

Do I need a “smart” Wi-Fi controller?

Smart irrigation is all the buzz right now, but it’s truly for a good reason. With water at a premium and water prices increasing its really important to not be wasteful. A smart controller will monitor the weather and adjust the system. We can also add flow meters that will detect when there is a broken head or a leak in your system.

What kind of maintenance does a sprinkler system require?

Maintaining your sprinkler system is important for the longevity of your system and your landscape. Your backflow needs to be shut off each winter to prevent it from breaking. Then in the spring you system needs to be reactivated and tested.

What can I do in the sprinklers are running and the controller is turned off?

Turn off the water on the PVB (backflow) until the water stops. Then contact us to come and repair the system.

Why do I have big dry areas in my lawn?

Dry spots is one of the most common complaints from our customers. Many different problems can be the cause but the most common are clogged sprinkler heads, inappropriate scheduling, broken pipes or a broken control valve. It is a good idea to check your system once a month to make sure it is watering properly. Please contact us today for a complete professional inspection.

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